Jil Jung Juk is a Tamil Action Comedy film directed by Deeraj Vaidy and produced by Siddharth. Starring Siddharth, Sananth, Avinash and “Datho” Radha Ravi in the leading roles. Music Score composed by Vishal Chandrashekhar.
This will be the 25th film of Siddharth. Originally set to release on 25 December 2015, the film was postponed to 2016 due to the crew’s efforts in assisting victims of the Chennai floodings. Wikipedia
Jil Jung Juk 2015 Tamil Movie Crew:
Starcast : Siddharth, Sananth, Avinash and “Datho” Radha Ravi
Director : Deeraj Vaidy
Music : Vishal Chandrashekhar
DOP : Shreyaas Krishna
Editor : Kurtz Schneider
Sound : Vishnu and Shankar
Executive producer : Milind Rau
Producer : Siddharth
Banner :Etaki Entertainment
Audo Label : Think Music