Kee is an upcoming Indian Tamil science fiction psychological thriller film written and directed by Kalees and produced by Michael Rayappan. The film stars Jiiva in the lead role, while Nikki Galrani and Anaika Soti portray the leading female roles Featuring music composed by Vishal Chandrasekhar, the film began production during August 2016. The film is set to release on 9th February 2018.
Kee Movie Official Trailer | Jeeva, Nikki Galrani
Trailer: 'Kee' | Jiiva, Nikki Galrani, RJ Balaji
Just in ..#Kee Movie Official Trailer Jeeva (y) Rj Balaji (y) Niki <3 <3 <3 Mind Blowing Trailer A Movie About Dark Side Of Internet & Technology
Posted by TamilGlitz on Friday, January 19, 2018
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