Vijay Visits Anitha’s House to console her parents


Vijay Visits Anitha's House to console her parents 1

Vijay Visits Anitha’s House to console her parents


Anitha’s death has been making the headlines for the past few days. Many celebrities have expressed their grief via social media to Anitha’s family. While some others had visited her house and gives moral support to her parents and offer financial support to her family.


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Actor Vijay reminded silent in the issue of Anitha’s Death for a while. But now he make a surprise visit to Anitha’s house to console her parents. Photos of Vijay controlling Anitha’s father is spreading in social media. This is a humble and kind gesture from him.


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Bigg Boss (11/09/2017) Video Promo #1

Bigg Boss (11/09/2017) Video Promo #2


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